Adult iOS 2.28

Who should read this?

This release note applies to all PainChek users who are currently using PainChek for iPhone or iPad app

What's happening?

The PainChek iOS application release version 2.28 will be available for download from the Apple App Store on Tuesday 22nd of August 2023.

What's changed?

Bug Fixes and Performance Improvement

  • Fixed an issue where sort order of "Recent Assessments" was not the newest.

  • Fixed an issue where Assessment data was being sent to the backend in 12 hour format instead of 24 hour format, causing an error.

  • Fixed the issue where changing permissions on iOS was not taking effect.

  • Fixed the issue where Transition to SSO with QSI was createing a duplicate QSI profile.

New Features and Enhancements

  • Updated the about dialogue to display UDI label and value field.

Backend and Maintenance Updates

  • N/A

What do I have to do?

If your device is set to receive updates automatically, there is no need to do anything. PainChek should be updated automatically.

You can check the version of the application from the PainChek dashboard by selecting the "Support" option and then selecting "About PainChek":

Otherwise, access the Apple App store, search for PainChek and select "Update" if available.

Where can I get more information?

Email us at or call on 1800 098 809 during business hours.

For general information about PainChek, visit us at