PainChek Front-End Release Note - Update 3.6.1 September 2020

What's happening?

PainChek will be updating the front-end to release 3.6.1 on 25th of September 2020 between 8 pm and 9 pm AEDT.

What's changed?

  • Added a loading bar for the dashboard (beta)

  • Fixed an issue where resident photos were not being displayed in the “resident” view (beta).

  • Minor improvements and bug fixes.

What do I have to do?

There's no action required. The update will occur on the server so when you log in after the update is applied, you will already be using the latest version of the PainChek Portal.

Service Outage

The upgrade will result in a service interruption of approximately 10 minutes that will occur 25th of September 2020 between 8 pm and 9 pm AEDT.

During the service interruption, the PainChek Portal is not available for use. The PainChek iOS and Android Apps can continue to be used during this time.

Where can I get more information?

Email us at or call on 1800 098 809 during business hours.

For general information about PainChek, visit us at