Infants Android 1.1

Who should read this?

This release note applies to all PainChek users who are currently using the PainChek Infant Android App.

What's happening?

The PCK infants Android App release version 1.0 is in limited release via direct APK distribution on [Monday 24nd May 2023]

What's changed?

·       The App would not log out automatically due to inactivity.

·       The Resident External ID would disappear when the App did a sync.

·       Resident admission details would not save when being updated.

·       Resident’s nickname and profile picture was not updated when saved.

·       Fixed the background colour of the Pain Chart.

·       The Resident sort order was updated to First Name and then Last Name.

·       Fixed the wording in the About Infants and Pain screen.

·       The archive reason box would not display if you attempted to archive, cancelled and then attempted to archive again.

·       The Infant would not be displayed if you changed the location from a Site to an Address.

·       Medication details were not being updated after making changes to the Configure Medication Details form.

·       The App was not using a stored Quick Sign In PIN and prompting users to set a new PIN every time when changing from Email user to Single Sign On.

·       When creating an Infant, the App would let you set a first name longer than 60 characters, causing a sync error.

·       Updated the Assessed By field to show the correct user.

New Features and Enhancements

·       Implemented the ability to send notifications from the App.

Backend and Maintenance Updates

·       The App now reports to PainChek if the device doesn’t have a unlock mechanism enabled.

What do I have to do?

If your device is set to receive updates automatically, there is no need to do anything. PainChek should be updated automatically.

You can check the version of the application from the PainChek dashboard by selecting the "Support" option and then selecting "About PainChek":

Where can I get more information?

Email us at or call on 1800 098 809 during business hours.

For general information about PainChek, visit us at